
Why I started this blog...

Cool bookish videos:
(But not too many.  Get back to reading!)

Bookstores and Libraries: The Most Wonderful Places on Earth by Luis Azevedo

The Joy of Books, by Sean and Lisa Ohlenkamp

Elan Mastai, author of (one of my favorite books) All Our Wrong Todays, at Appel Salon, Toronto Public Library

An inspiring  interview with Octavia Butler

John Irving reads to us

Robin Sloan talks about one of my favorite books, Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore

Sylvia Plath reads her poems (1958)

A poet's advice to students from E.E. Cummings

Time travel back to the Seine booksellers in 1926

Explore all the secret details of the New York Public Library

Visit the Royal Portugese Cabinet of Reading

See the UK's town of books Hay on Wye

A short documentary on New Morning Books in Australia

What happened to the library at Alexandria? 

Dinner With Murikami